Albany County, NY
Home MenuRental Supplement Program
For persons homeless or at risk of homelessness who are at 50% or less of Area Median Income.
Eligible households may receive help paying rent.
Recipients will pay 30% of their income and the RSP will pay the remainder up to 85% of Fair Market Rent.
Visit the DSS at 162 Washington Avenue, Albany for an application.
Supplemental Emergency Order #111
Expiration of Title 42 USC Sections 362 and 365 (Title 42 Order)
Supplemental Emergency Order #110
Expiration of Title 42 USC Sections 362 and 365 (Title 42 Order)
State of Emergency: Renewal
Expiration of Title 42 USC Sections 362 and 365 (Title 42 Order)
Department of Social Services
We are responsible for addressing the social service needs of the poor and the near poor, as well as those who are unable to care for and protect themselves.
It is our mission to improve the quality of life in Albany County by helping people to help themselves and to help those incapable of acting on their own behalf.
We do this by offering a broad range of protective, preventative, social and financial services.
By offering employment and training services, child support services and effective case management, we hope to enable more citizens to move to independence.
can be made online at and Temporary Assistance